Watermelon Margaritas are such an easy treat to make. I bought a 30 lb watermelon at the supermarket, you you better believe that I was thinking about making margaritas when I bought it. So much watermelon! But I am not complaining!
A South Texas Favorite
If you know anything about South Texas, we like a little extra spice when we eat watermelon. When I was a kid, we would enjoy large slices of watermelon with salt and maybe a little bit of lime juice or chile powder. These days you can buy commercial preparations with a spciy mixture to sprinkle over your fresh watermelon wedges. Even though you can use those spicy commercial concoctions for your cocktails too, I prefer to make my spicy rimmer mix at home which is easy, and just the right amount.
For the best presentation, make sure to prepare your margarita glasses with the spicy rimmer before you prepare the cocktails.
This recipe for Watermelon Margaritas works for both margaritas on the rocks and frozen margartitas. To make frozen margaritas, simply follow the same instructions as the original recipe. Make sure to strain the watermelon puree before you add it to the blender with the ice. It is nearly impossible to strain out the seed remmnants out of the icy slush!
On the Rocks or Frozen
And yes, I add the watermelon, seeds and all to the blender. Watermelon seeds are actually quite healthy so blending them will not be harmful in the least. However, fiber-filled cocktails may not be your jam! Simply strain out the seed pulp after the cocktail is blended. Then pour over ice for a Watermelon Margarita on the rocks or puree with ice for a fantasitc frozen margarita.
Fresh mint or a small wedge of watermelon is the perfect garnish for your Watermelon Margarita. Cheers, or as we say here in South Texas, salúd!
Watermelon Margaritas with Spicy Rimmer
- Prep Time: 5 minutes
- Total Time: 5 minutes
- Yield: 2 cocktails 1x
Spicy rimmer:
1 tbsp. kosher flaked salt for margaritas (12.5g)
1 tbsp. sugar (12.5g)
1 tsp. chili powder (2g)
1 packet dried lime or lemon juice (.8g – optional)
Freshly cut lime wedge
2 cups fresh watermelon (300g)
2 oz. freshly squeezed-lime juice (60ml)
2 oz. tequila (60ml)
2 oz orange liqueur (60ml)
Fresh mint for garnish
To make the rimmer, combine the salt, sugar, chili powder and dried lime juice on a shallow plate and stir to combine well.
Before serving the margarita, rub the rim of the margarita glass with the lime wedge to moisten. Invert the glass and press the rim into the salt mixture coating well. Set aside.
To make watermelon margaritas on the rocks, combine the watermelon, lime juice, tequila and orange liqueur in a blender. (Don’t worry about the watermelon seeds.) Puree well. Using a mesh strainer placed over a pitcher, strain the puree to remove the pulp and seeds.
Add ice to the prepared glasses and pour over the Watermelon Margarita. Serve immediately garnished with mint.
For frozen Watermelon Margaritas, prepare the margaritas as directed about. Return the strained prepared juice to the blender along with 2-4 cups of ice. Puree until slushy. Pour into the prepared glass and garnish with mint.
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